

Logo & Box Style:
Train Sets: 8
Models: 68
Locomotives (All): 14
Steam Locomotives: 5
Diesel Electric Locomotives: 9
Train Packs: 0
Passenger Rolling Stock: 17
Freight Rolling Stock: 29

1962a Train Set Images
1962a Steam Locomotive Images
1962a Diesel Electric Locomotive Images
1962a Passenger Rolling Stock Images
1962a Freight Rolling Stock Images

All 1962a Images

1962a Publications

1962a Tri-ang Railways - Australian Edition 1962-63 Catalogue Poster --- Tri-ang Railways - Australian Edition 1962-63

1962a Train Sets (8)

1962a R.4P TransAustralia Train Set - R.4P
1962a R.4W TransAustralia Train Set - R.4W
1962a R.4X TransAustralia Train Set - R.4X
1962a R.4Y TransAustralia Train Set - R.4Y
1962a R.4Z TransAustralia Train Set - R.4Z
1962a RS.21 TransAustralia Train Set - RS.21
1962a RS.25 TransAustralia Train Set - RS.25
1962a RS.34 TransAustralia Train Set - RS.34

1962a Steam Locomotives (5)

1962a R.355 0-4-0 Industrial Locomotive - Nellie Private Private Owner Steam Locomotive 7
1962a R.52A Class 3F Tank Locomotive B.R. B.R. Black 47606
1962a R.53S Class 8P Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth B.R. B.R. Green 46201
1962a R.50 Class 8P Locomotive - Princess Victoria B.R. B.R. Black 46205
1962a R.358S Old Time Ned Kelly Locomotive T.R. T.R. Various 1863

1962a Diesel Electric Locomotives (9)

1962a R.352A Budd Rail Diesel Car - TransAustralia (Aust) T.R. T.R. Various 31018
1962a R.152 Class 08 0-6-0 Diesel Shunting Locomotive B.R. B.R. Green D3035
1962a R.155 Diesel Switcher (Aust) T.R. T.R. Various 7005
1962a R.257 Double-ended Diesel Locomotive With Working Pantographs (TRANSAUSTRALIAN RAILWAYS) T.R. T.R. Blue 5007
1962a R.452 N.S.W. Suburban Non-Powered Motor Car (Aust) N.S.W.G.R. N.S.W.R. Red None
1962a R.450 N.S.W. Suburban Powered Motor Car (Aust) N.S.W.G.R. N.S.W.R. Red None
1962a R.55 Transcontinental A Unit Diesel (Aust) T.R. T.R. Silver & Red TransAustralia 4008
1962a R.159 Transcontinental Diesel Locomotive (TransAustralian) (Aust) T.R. T.R. Blue TransAustralia 5007
1962a R.353 Yard Switcher (Aust) T.R. T.R. Various None

1962a Passenger Rolling Stock (17)

1962a R.248 Ambulance Car (Aust) --- --- None
1962a R.422A B.R. Main Line Composite Coach B.R. B.R. Crimson & Cream M24001, 24010
1962a R.333A G.W.R. Brake Third Clerestory Coach G.W.R. G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 2316
1962a R.332 G.W.R. Third Class Clerestory Coach G.W.R. G.W.R. Chocolate & Cream 5017
1962a R.451 N.S.W. Suburban Trailer Coach (Aust) N.S.W.G.R. N.S.W.R. Red None
1962a R.448 Old Time Coach T.R. T.R. Various No.257
1962a R.446 Transcontinental Baggage/Kitchen Car (Aust) T.R. T.R. Blue TransAustralia None
1962a R.442 Transcontinental Baggage/Kitchen Car (Aust) T.R. T.R. Silver & Red TransAustralia None
1962a R.444 Transcontinental Coach (Aust) T.R. T.R. Blue TransAustralia 70831
1962a R.440 Transcontinental Coach (Aust) T.R. T.R. Silver & Red TransAustralia 70831
1962a R.26 Transcontinental Coach - TransAustralia (Aust) T.R. T.R. Blue TransAustralia 20711
1962a R.447 Transcontinental Diner Car (Aust) T.R. T.R. Blue TransAustralia None
1962a R.443 Transcontinental Diner Car (Aust) T.R. T.R. Silver & Red TransAustralia None
1962a R.445 Transcontinental Observation Car (Aust) T.R. T.R. Blue TransAustralia 91119
1962a R.441 Transcontinental Observation Car (Aust) T.R. T.R. Silver & Red TransAustralia 91119
1962a R.27 Transcontinental Vista Dome Coach TransAustralia (Aust) T.R. T.R. Blue TransAustralia 20711
1962a R.27 Transcontinental Vista Dome Coach TransAustralia (Aust) T.R. T.R. Silver & Red TransAustralia 20711

1962a Freight Rolling Stock (29)

1962a R.110 Bogie Bolster Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B940052
1962a R.118 Bogie Well Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods 41917
1962a R.17 Bolster Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B913011
1962a R.239 Bomb Transporter --- --- TR7190
1962a R.114 Box Car T.R. T.R. Various TR22831
1962a R.215 Bulk Grain Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B85040
1962a R.18 Cable Drum Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B913011
1962a R.115 Caboose (Aust) T.R. T.R. Various None
1962a R.122 Cattle Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods M3713
1962a R.11 Closed Van B.R. B.R. Goods W8755
1962a R.218 Closed Van Private Private Owner Goods None
1962a R.16 E.R. Brake Van L.N.E.R. L.N.E.R. Goods M73031
1962a R.249 Exploding Car --- --- 9841
1962a R.14 Fish Van B.R. B.R. Goods N6301
1962a R.116 Gondola Car (Aust) T.R. T.R. Various None
1962a R.128 Helicopter Car --- --- TR7301
1962a R.123 Horse Box B.R. B.R. Goods B542
1962a R.217 Open Truck --- --- None
1962a R.10 Open Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods W1005
1962a R.13 Open Wagon With Coal Load B.R. B.R. Goods W1005
1962a R.127 Operating Crane Truck B.R. B.R. Maintenance No.127
1962a R.214 Ore Wagon B.R. B.R. Goods B1402
1962a R.216 Rocket Launching Wagon --- --- M13071
1962a R.210 Shell - B.P. Fuel Oil Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods None
1962a R.12 Shell B.P. Petrol Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods 5057
1962a R.211 Shell Lubricating Oil Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods None
1962a R.117 Shell Oil Tanker Private Private Owner Goods SCCX333
1962a R.344 Track Cleaning Car B.R. B.R. Maintenance T.R. 9372
1962a R.15 United Dairies Milk Tank Wagon Private Private Owner Goods No.101

Top 6 Models

1. Princess Royal Class Locomotive - Princess Elizabeth
2. Class A1 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
3. Class A3 Locomotive - Flying Scotsman
4. Class 7P6F Locomotive - Britannia
5. Class 9F Locomotive - Evening Star
6. L.N.E.R. Composite Coach

View the latest full Model Rankings.

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Whitecliff Lime Company Lime Wagon


11,328 yearly Items over 57 Years.
4,069 individual Items.
3,707 Models.
362 catalogued Train Sets.
156 Train Packs.
820 Steam Locomotives.
497 Diesel Locomotives.
1,082 Passenger Coaches.
1,152 Freight Wagons.

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